August 15 2016

1) As of Monday, August 8, 2016, Hillary Clinton led Donald Trump by how many percentage points in the Real Clear Politics polling average?

a) 4.1

b) 6.8

c) 7.2

d) 10.4


2) In a speech given in Detroit, Michigan on Monday, Donald Trump revealed his economic plan which includes all of the following EXCEPT:

a) Lowering tax rates

b) Cutting federal regulations

c) Lowering trade barriers through free trade agreements like the TPP

d) Reviving the Keystone XL Pipeline plan


3) In a speech given in Detroit, Michigan on Thursday, Hillary Clinton discussed her economic plan which includes all of the following EXCEPT:

a) Higher taxes on the wealthy

b) Lowering trade barriers through free trade agreements like the TPP

c) Increased spending on infrastructure

d) Investment in clean energy


4) At a rally in Wilmington, North Carolina last week, Donald Trump said that “these people” might be the only ones who could stop Hillary Clinton from appointing judges if she is elected.  What people?

a) Republican Senators

b) Republican voters

c) Current federal judges

d) Second Amendment people


5) Donald Trump recently referred to what man as the founder of ISIS?

a) Osama bin Laden

b) Vladimir Putin

c) King Hussein of Jordan

d) Barack Obama


6) What Republican senator wrote an op-ed piece in the Washington Post last week explaining why she can not support Donald Trump?

a) Olympia Snowe

b) Susan Collins

c) Barbara Boxer

d) Joni Ernst


7) A 19 year old Virginia man was arrested last week after trying to scale what building with suction cups?

a) Empire State Building

b) Chicago Sears Tower

c) The White House

d) Trump Tower


7) Historic floods swept across what state last weekend?

a) Louisiana

b) Nebraska

c) California

d) Vermont


8) The Department of Justice released a report last week finding that the police force of what major city has routinely violated its residents’ rights?

a) Fresno, California

b) New Orleans, Louisiana

c) Atlanta, Georgia

d) Baltimore, Maryland


9) Riots erupted in what city last week after police shot a city resident during a foot chase?

a) Charleston, South Carolina

b) Milwaukee. Wisconsin

c) Portland, Maine

d) Las Vegas, Nevada


10) According to the Surgeon General, what percentage of Puerto Rican residents will have contracted the Zika virus by January 2017?

a) 3

b) 7

c) 14

d) 25


11) What airline was forced to cancel over 1,000 flights last week due to a power outage?

a) Southwest

b) Delta

c) United

d) American


12) How many gold medals has Michael Phelps won in his Olympic career?

a) 8

b) 17

c) 23

d) 31