July 11 2016

1) After receiving reports of a disturbance, police shot and killed Alton Sterling on Tuesday.  At the time of his death, Sterling, a black man, was selling CDs outside of a convenience store in what city? 

a) Baton Rouge, Louisiana

b) Los Angeles, California

c) Dallas, Texas

d) Falcon Heights, Minnesota


2) On Wednesday, police shot and killed Philando Castile, a black man, after pulling him over for having a broken tail light on his car.  In what city did this occur?  

a) Baton Rouge, Louisiana

b) Los Angeles, California

c) Dallas, Texas

d) Falcon Heights, Minnesota


3) Last week, five police officers were killed during what was intended to be a peaceful Black Lives Matter protest in what city?

a) Baton Rouge, Louisiana

b) Los Angeles, California

c) Dallas, Texas

d) Falcon Heights, Minnesota


4) What politician stated on Friday that “it is more dangerous to be black in America” than it is to be white? 

a) President Barack Obama

b) Hillary Clinton

c) Sen. Bernie Sanders

d) Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich


5) On Monday, FBI director James Comey announced that the agency did not recommend bringing criminal charges against what politician?

a) Donald Trump

b) Hillary Clinton

c) Former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell

d) New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg


6) The recently drafted Democratic Party platform proposes setting the minimum wage at what level?

a) $10 / hour

b) $12 / hour

c) $15 / hour

d) $22 / hour


7) Presidential candidate Donald Trump recently praised what former dictator?

a) Saddam Hussein of Iraq

b) Manuel Noriega of Panama

c) Muammar Gaddafi of Libya

d) Fidel Castro of Cuba


8) Donald Trump deleted a tweet about Hillary Clinton after some described the tweet as what?  

a) homophobic

b) anti-immigrant

c) misogynist

d) anti-Semitic


9) NASA’s Juno space probe recently entered orbit around what planet?

a) Mars

b) Jupiter

c) Saturn

d) Uranus


10) What country won the Euro 2016 soccer championship?

a) France

b) Germany

c) Italy

d) Portugal