July 18 2016

1) What man did Donald Trump choose as his vice-presidential running mate?

b) Indiana Gov. Mike Pence

Pence is a former member of the House of Representatives.



2) Three police officers were killed more were wounded last Sunday in what city?

d) Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Tensions were already high in Baton Rouge after police shot and killed African-American Alton Sterling last week.



3) President Obama gave a speech in Dallas on Tuesday after last week’s murder of five Dallas police officers.  What other man gave a speech from the same stage as Obama at the same event?

d) Former president George W. Bush

Bush said that “too often we judge other groups by their worst examples.”



4) A terror attack killed over 80 in what French town last Thursday?

a) Nice

The attacker, Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, drove a truck into a crowd that had gathered to celebrate Bastille Day.



5) Rogue military officers attempted a coup in what country last weekend?

c) Turkey

The military leaders were concerned about the increasingly authoritarian and Islamist leanings of the country’s president Tayyip Erdogan.



6) Last week, Congress released to the public a 28 page report that had been previously marked classified.  The information found in those pages discuss a possible link between the 9-11 attacks and what country?

c) Saudi Arabia

The pages were part of a larger report written by the House and Senate Intelligence Committees about al-Qaeda’s role in the 9/11 attacks.



7) What Supreme Court Justice publicly criticized Donald Trump last week?

d) Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Ginsburg later apologized for the remarks.



8) What politician recently proposed deporting all Muslims who support sharia law?

c) Newt Gingrich

Gingrich was the Speaker of the House during the 1990s.



9) What prominent politician endorsed Hillary Clinton last week?

a) Sen. Bernie Sanders

Clinton hopes that the endorsement will help her to win over Sanders’ many supporters.



10) Who became Britain’s new prime minister last week?

d) Theresa May

Former Prime Minister David Cameron resigned after the British public voted to leave the European Union. 
