Quiz Answers

August 23 Answers

1) Two weeks ago, Ed Stafford became the first man in history to do what? a) Walk the entire length of the Amazon River You can follow his two and a half year trek on www.walkingtheamazon.com.   2) On Tuesday August 10, the House of Representatives passed (and Pres. Obama signed) a $26 billion...

August 9 Quiz Answers

AUGUST 9 ANSWERS  1) August 6 marked the 65th anniversary of what pivotal historical event? b) The dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima Over 100,000 Japanese lost their lives in the...

August 2 Quiz Answers

AUGUST 2, 2010 QUIZ ANSWERS 1) In what is being called the biggest intelligence leak in history, the website WikiLeaks.org released over 75,000 pages of confidential documents last week relating to what? c) The Afghanistan...

July 24 Answers

JULY 24 2010 QUIZ ANSWERS 1) Earlier this week, Pres. Obama signed a law instituting greater government regulation of what industry? Answer: b) Financial Services CNN described the law as the most-sweeping set of changes to America's banking and financial systems since the...
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