Quiz Answers

December 14 2015

1) 196 countries signed on to a climate change agreement last weekend.  In what city was the deal signed? b) Paris, France The deal aims to keep global temperature rise at less than 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit). https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-35084374   2) What...

November 16 2015

1) Coordinated terrorist attacks killed more than 100 on Friday in what European city? c) Paris, France ISIS has claimed responsibility. https://bigstory.ap.org/article/8319c7634b884a578cddb98ee08c13f0/french-police-report-shootout-and-explosion-paris   2) Last Friday, the Supreme Court decided...

November 9 Answers

1) A Russian plane blew up last week while en route to St. Petersburg.  Where was the plane coming from? d) Egypt Many suspect that the plane was bombed by...

November 2 Answers

1) President Obama made a major announcement about Syria last week.  What was it? a) He is sending 50 American special forces troops to fight there These special operations troops will be the first American “boots on the ground” in Syria.  The United States has previously conducted...

October 25 2015

1) Who testified last week before the Congressional committee investigating the attacks on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya? b) Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Republicans believe that Clinton’s mistakes contributed to the death of four Americans at the consulate.  Democrats...

October 12 2015

1) President Obama recently negotiated a deal with eleven Pacific Rim countries.  How is the deal best described? a) A free trade deal If approved by Congress, the deal – the Trans Pacific Partnership – would, among other things, lower tariffs.  Although China is not a signatory to the...

October 5 Answers

1) A shooter killed nine at a community college in what state last week? d) Oregon Since 2001, over 400,000 Americans have died from gun violence while just over 3,000 have died at the hands of...

September 28 Answers

1) What man addressed both Congress and the United Nations this week? b) Pope Francis The Pope addressed issues such as income inequality and climate change. https://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/26/world/europe/pope-francis-united-nations.html?_r=0   2) What presidential candidate dropped out of the...

September 21 2015

1) Where was last week's CNN Republican debate held?a) The Ronald Reagan Library in Simi Valley, CaliforniaEleven candidates squared off for approximately three hours.https://www.cnn.com/2015/09/17/politics/republican-debate-takeaways-trump-fiorina-bush/index.html2) What presidential candidate said...

September 14 2015

1) Proponents of the nuclear deal with Iran were able to block a Republican attempt to overturn it last week.  Proponents needed 41 votes to keep the deal in place.  How many votes did they get?  b) 42 The forty-two votes included 40 Democratic Senators and 2...
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